
Rowland, A., Smith, S., Carreon, A. & Mosher, M. (2023, June). Social skill instruction, generalization and professional learning: VOISS Advisor can help! Presentation given at the annual meeting of the International Society of Technology in Education (ISTE).

Rowland, A., Smith, S., Mosher, M., & Carreon, A. (2023, March). Practical, Field-tested Social Skill Interventions and Professional Development. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the Council for Exceptional Children, Lexington, KY.

Carreon, A., Mosher, M., Smith, S., & Rowland, A. (2023, March). Immersive Technology Tools for Student Success. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the Council for Exceptional Children, Lexington, KY.

Mosher, M., Carreon, A., Smith, S., & Rowland, A. (2023, January). Designing an educational VR App with the student and teacher in mind. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA), Orlando, FL.

Carreon, A., Mosher, M., Smith, S., & Rowland, A. (2023, January). Increasing Students’ Sense of Presence and Engagement in Virtual Environments. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA), Orlando, FL.

Carreon, A., Smith, S., Mosher, M., & Rowland, A. (2022, November). Integrating Teacher and Student Preference in the Creation of Educational Virtual Reality. Presentation given at the Teacher Education Division (TED) of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), Richmond, VA.

Mosher, M., Smith, S., Rowland, A., & Carreon, A. (2022, November). Social-Emotional Skills, Interventions, and Progress Monitoring Tools for Adolescents. Presentation given at the Teacher Education Division (TED) of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), Richmond, VA.

Rowland, A., Smith, S., Mosher, M., & Carreon, A. (2023, March). Practical, Field-tested Social Skill Interventions and Professional Development. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the Council for Exceptional Children, Lexington, KY.

Carreon, A., Mosher, M., Smith, S., & Rowland, A. (2023, March). Immersive Technology Tools for Student Success. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the Council for Exceptional Children, Lexington, KY.

Mosher, M., Carreon, A., Smith, S., & Rowland, A. (2023, January). Designing an educational VR App with the student and teacher in mind. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA), Orlando, FL.

Carreon, A., Mosher, M., Smith, S., & Rowland, A. (2023, January). Increasing Students’ Sense of Presence and Engagement in Virtual Environments. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA), Orlando, FL.

Carreon, A., Smith, S., Mosher, M., & Rowland, A. (2022, November). Integrating Teacher and Student Preference in the Creation of Educational Virtual Reality. Presentation given at the Teacher Education Division (TED) of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), Richmond, VA.

Mosher, M., Smith, S., Rowland, A., & Carreon, A. (2022, November). Social-Emotional Skills, Interventions, and Progress Monitoring Tools for Adolescents. Presentation given at the Teacher Education Division (TED) of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), Richmond, VA.

Smith, S., Mosher, M., & Rowland, A. (2022, November). Personalizing Social Emotional Learning: Virtual Reality for Today. Virtual presentation given at OCALICONLINE.

Carreon, A., Mosher, M., Rowland, A., & Smith, S. (2022, June). Easing into Virtual Reality for Social Skills: Exploration and Implementation. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Live 22, New Orleans, LA, United States.

Carreon, A., Mosher, M., Rowland, A., & Smith, S. (2022, June). Easing into Virtual Reality for Social Skills: Exploration and Implementation. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Live 22, New Orleans, LA, United States.

Carreon, A., Mosher, M., Rowland, A., & Smith, S. (2022, June). Easing into Virtual Reality for Social Skills: Exploration and Implementation. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Live 22, New Orleans, LA, United States.

Carreon, A., Mosher, M., Rowland, A., & Smith, S. (2022, June). Easing into Virtual Reality for Social Skills: Exploration and Implementation. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Live 22, New Orleans, LA, United States.

Mosher, M., Vignola, N., Carreon, A., Smith, S., Rowland, A. & Ruhter, L. (2022, April). The Relationship Between Learner Preference in Virtual Reality Delivered Interventions and Social Skill Acquisition. Presentation given at the American Education Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, United States.

Rowland, A. Smith, S., Mosher, M. & Frey, B. (2022, March). Teaching Students Social Skills through Virtual Reality: Come Play with Us! Presentation given at the MidAmerica Association for Computers in Education (MACE), Manhattan, KS.

Mosher, M., Rowland, A., Smith, S. & Carreon, A. (2022, February). Social Skill Development for Middle School Students with ASD and LD through Virtual Technology (VOISS). Presentation given at the 40th Annual Midwest Symposium for Leadership in Behavior Disorders (MSLBD): Kansas City, MO, United States.

Rowland, A., Smith, S., Carreon, A. & Mosher, M. (2022, January). Implementation of Virtual Reality: Professional Learning to Support Practice and Generalization of Social Skills. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the Council for Exceptional Children, Orlando, FL.

Mosher, M., Smith, S., Rowland, A., & Carreon, A. (2022, January). The Relationship Between Learner Preference and Skill Acquisition: Social Skill Interventions Through Virtual Technology. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the Council for Exceptional Children, Orlando, FL.

Carreon, A., Mosher, M., Smith, S. & Rowland, A. (2022, January). Comparing the Effect of Non-Immersive VR for the Acquisition of Social Skills for Middle School Students with ASD. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the Council for Exceptional Children, Orlando, FL.

Smith, S., Rowland, A., Carreon, A., and Mosher, M. (2022, January). Addressing Social Skill Development in the Virtual World: Innovations in Practice. Presentation given at the Annual Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Conference: Orlando, FL, United States

Mosher, M., Carreon, A., Smith, S., and Rowland, A. (2022, January). Social Skill Development for Middle School Students with ASD and LD through Virtual Technology (VOISS). Presentation given at the Annual Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Conference: Orlando, FL, United States.

Mosher, M., Smith, S., Rowland, A. Carreon, A., (2022, January). Social & Emotional Learning through Virtual Technology. Tech Playground [Interactive Panel]. Council for Exceptional Children Conference: Orlando, FL, United States.

Rowland, A., Smith, S., Carreon, A. & Mosher, M. (2022, January). Implementation of Virtual Reality: Professional Learning to Support Practice and Generalization of Social Skills. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the Council for Exceptional Children, Orlando, FL.

Mosher, M., Smith, S., Rowland, A., & Carreon, A. (2022, January). The Relationship Between Learner Preference and Skill Acquisition: Social Skill Interventions Through Virtual Technology. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the Council for Exceptional Children, Orlando, FL.

Carreon, A., Mosher, M., Smith, S. & Rowland, A. (2022, January). Comparing the Effect of Non-Immersive VR for the Acquisition of Social Skills for Middle School Students with ASD. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the Council for Exceptional Children, Orlando, FL.

Smith, S., Rowland, A., Carreon, A., and Mosher, M. (2022, January). Addressing Social Skill Development in the Virtual World: Innovations in Practice. Presentation given at the Annual Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Conference: Orlando, FL, United States

Mosher, M., Carreon, A., Smith, S., and Rowland, A. (2022, January). Social Skill Development for Middle School Students with ASD and LD through Virtual Technology (VOISS). Presentation given at the Annual Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Conference: Orlando, FL, United States.

Mosher, M., Smith, S., Rowland, A. Carreon, A., (2022, January). Social & Emotional Learning through Virtual Technology. Tech Playground [Interactive Panel]. Council for Exceptional Children Conference: Orlando, FL, United States.

Mosher, M., Smith, S., Rowland, A. & Carreon, A. (2022, January). Comparing VR Immersion Levels on Social Skill Acquisition for Students with ASD. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA), Orlando, FL.

Carreon, A., Mosher, M., Smith, S. & Rowland, A. (2022, January). Virtual Interventions: Learner Preferences’ Relationship to Skill Acquisition. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA), Orlando, FL.

Mosher, M., Smith, S., Rowland, A. & Carreon, A. (2022, January). Comparing VR Immersion Levels on Social Skill Acquisition for Students with ASD. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA), Orlando, FL.

Carreon, A., Mosher, M., Smith, S. & Rowland, A. (2022, January). Virtual Interventions: Learner Preferences’ Relationship to Skill Acquisition. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA), Orlando, FL.

Rowland, A., Smith, S., Carreon, A. & Mosher, M. (2021, November). The Reality in Virtual Reality Implementation: Online Professional Development to Support Classroom Practice and Generalization of Social Skills. Presentation given at the Teacher Education Division (TED) of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), Dallas, TX.

Rowland, A., Smith, S., Carreon, A. & Mosher, M. (2021, June). Professional development online: Facilitating practice and generalization of skills learned via technology. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the International Society of Technology in Education (ISTE): Virtual.

Smith, S., Mosher, M., Carreon, A., & Rowland, A. (2021, April). Designing Virtual Reality: UDL to the Rescue. Presentation given at the Annual Universal Design for Learning Implementation & Research Network Conference: Virtual.

Mosher, M., Smith, S., Rowland, A., Carreon, A., (2021, March). Social Skill Domain and Scenario Development and Implementation for Students with ASD and LD through Virtual Technology (VOISS). Presentation given at the Annual Meeting of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC): Virtual.

Rowland, A, Smith, S., Mosher, M., Carreon, A. (2021, March). Online Professional Learning: Supporting Educator Implementation of Virtual Reality to Facilitate Learning and Generalization of Social Competency Skills. Presentation given at the Annual Meeting of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC): Virtual.

Mosher, M., Smith, S., Rowland, A., Carreon, A., (2021, March). Social Skill Domain and Scenario Development and Implementation for Students with ASD and LD through Virtual Technology (VOISS). Presentation given at the Annual Meeting of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC): Virtual.

Rowland, A, Smith, S., Mosher, M., Carreon, A. (2021, March). Online Professional Learning: Supporting Educator Implementation of Virtual Reality to Facilitate Learning and Generalization of Social Competency Skills. Presentation given at the Annual Meeting of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC): Virtual.

Rowland, A., Smith, S.J., Carreon, A., & Mosher, M. (2021). Successfully Supporting Educators Online as They Implement Virtual Reality to Facilitate Learning and Generalization of Social Competency Skills. Presentation accepted to the annual meeting of the Midwest Symposium for Leadership in Behavior Disorders (MSLBD): Canceled due to Covid

Mosher, M., Carreon, A., Rowland, A., & Smith, S.J. (2021). Designing, Implementing, and Generalizing Social Skill Instruction Through Virtual Technology. Presentation accepted at the annual meeting of the Midwest Symposium for Leadership in Behavior Disorders (MSLBD): Canceled due to Covid

Rowland, A., Smith, S.J., Carreon, A., & Mosher, M. (2021). Successfully Supporting Educators Online as They Implement Virtual Reality to Facilitate Learning and Generalization of Social Competency Skills. Presentation accepted to the annual meeting of the Midwest Symposium for Leadership in Behavior Disorders (MSLBD): Canceled due to Covid

Mosher, M., Carreon, A., Rowland, A., & Smith, S.J. (2021). Designing, Implementing, and Generalizing Social Skill Instruction Through Virtual Technology. Presentation accepted at the annual meeting of the Midwest Symposium for Leadership in Behavior Disorders (MSLBD): Canceled due to Covid

Smith, S.J. & Rowland, A. (2020). The Future is Now: Virtual Reality’s Role in Developing Social Skills. Presentation given at the annual meeting of OCALICON, Columbus, OH.

Rowland, A., Smith, S.J., & Carreon, A. (2020, November). You Wanna Play? Virtual Reality for Social Emotional Learning. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the International Society of Technology in Education (ISTE), Anaheim, CA.

Smith, S., Rowland, A., Carreon, A, and Mosher, M. (2020, February). Giving Students a VOISS – Virtual Reality for Social Skills Development. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). Portland, OR.

Rowland, A., Carreon, A. & Smith, S. (2019, November). Let’s Get Digital: Integrating Technology Tools into Teacher Instruction. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the Teacher Education Division, Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). New Orleans, LA.

Rowland, A., Carreon, A. & Smith, S. (2019, November). Innovating the classroom: Mixed Reality Supports. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the Teacher Education Division, Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). New Orleans, LA.

Rowland, A., Carreon, A. & Smith, S. (2019, November). Let’s Get Digital: Integrating Technology Tools into Teacher Instruction. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the Teacher Education Division, Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). New Orleans, LA.

Rowland, A., Carreon, A. & Smith, S. (2019, November). Innovating the classroom: Mixed Reality Supports. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the Teacher Education Division, Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). New Orleans, LA.

Smith, S. & Rowland, A. (2017, June). Beyond Pokemon: Virtual and Augmentative Reality for STEM. Presentation at the annual meeting of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). San Antonio, TX.