Research to Practice

VR in Education: Navigating the Maze

VR in Education: Navigating the Maze

Remember that shiny new VR headset you were so excited about? The one you thought would magically transform your classroom into a hub of interactive learning? Well, if you've already experienced the frustration of watching your students wander aimlessly in a virtual...

Personalized Virtual Reality: Learning for All

Personalized Virtual Reality: Learning for All

A recent article published in the Journal of Research on Technology in Education (see Carreon et al. (2023)) offers findings that present opportunities in how we can use various aspects of virtual reality (VR) in the K-12 classroom. The article also highlights the...

A Game-Changer in the VR and Social Competency Landscape

A Game-Changer in the VR and Social Competency Landscape

We know the device with which our students with disabilities access SEL resources is not as important as the content itself... But where do we go from there? What content can we turn to for high quality research backed interventions for our students with social skill...