VOISS is a virtual reality experience that uses social situations and scenarios to effectively teach and support middle school student practice of social skills.

VOISS Part 1

VOISS Part 2

  • VOISS is an acronym that stands for Virtual realities to Integrate Social Skills. 
  • With 140 scenarios, covering 183 skills, VOISS offers unparalleled, broad and deep coverage of social skill instruction for middle school students. 
  • Within each scenario, students are taught specific skills, while also practicing related skills and being assessed for learning along the way. 
  • VOISS provides experiences across multiple school-based environments (e.g., classroom, bus, hallways) where middle school students move through social stories and are presented with social situations where they need to problem solve interactions. 
  • As they react and respond to situations, VOISS offers explicit feedback on student decisions, reflecting on the appropriateness of the decision and how to potentially problem solve in the future. 
  • VOISS is designed for iPads, Google Chromebooks, laptops, and wearable virtual reality devices.