Social Competencies

Engagement Elevated: Using VR to Motivate Students with Disabilities

Engagement Elevated: Using VR to Motivate Students with Disabilities

Listen to a discussion about this blog by VOISS / iKnow | Created Using NotebookLM Engagement is a golden ticket in education, the magic ingredient that turns learning into an active process for the student. Also referenced as students’ level of motivation, engagement...

VR Meets IEPs: How VOISS Advisor Transforms Special Education

VR Meets IEPs: How VOISS Advisor Transforms Special Education

Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) are the cornerstone of special education, carefully crafted blueprints that ensure every student’s unique needs are met. But let’s be honest—bringing those plans to life in a meaningful, engaging way? That’s a challenge. Enter VOISS Advisor, where virtual reality (VR) is not just a tech trend but a groundbreaking tool for tailoring IEP goals and fostering success in real-world social situations.

VOISS Advisor: Lesson Plans

VOISS Advisor: Lesson Plans

Teaching social skills can be a unique challenge in today’s classrooms. While academics are often at the forefront of instruction, social skills are equally essential for student success, helping students navigate interactions, build relationships, and develop...

Personalized Virtual Reality: Learning for All

Personalized Virtual Reality: Learning for All

A recent article published in the Journal of Research on Technology in Education (see Carreon et al. (2023)) offers findings that present opportunities in how we can use various aspects of virtual reality (VR) in the K-12 classroom. The article also highlights the...

A Game-Changer in the VR and Social Competency Landscape

A Game-Changer in the VR and Social Competency Landscape

We know the device with which our students with disabilities access SEL resources is not as important as the content itself... But where do we go from there? What content can we turn to for high quality research backed interventions for our students with social skill...